Asante. Gracias. Merci. Obrigada. Xiexie. Thank you.

Image of person's hands holding a ball of soil with a green plant sprouting out of it, "thank you" in six languages
image by


We acknowledge, with deep gratitude, the contributions and help of numerous people and organizations that have and are assisting the growth and development of the World Ancestor Concert, moja mediaworks and the work we have set out to do.  We could not have come this far without the warm, skilled and informed support of the following:


The Ancestors


Alan Milner, SCORE

Annie Hoffman

Betty Burkes

Bill Hulsey, SCORE

Catharine Hoffman

Erica Voigt

James Clements

Johnny Lapham

Juliann Rubijono

Kathleen Rouleau

Kathy Raney

Mary Bichner

"Micky" Metts

Robert Keefer

Stuart Aigler, SCORE


The people and organizations included in the above list have contributed information and support in a number of ways.  Their inclusion in this list does not necessarily indicate their direct support for our on-going mission, vision and political or cultural perspectives.


graphic image of numerous silhouettes of people jumping for joy against a gradated, glowy orange background


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"The seed waits for the garden where it will be sown" - Zulu proverb

(Wisdom of the African World, McKnight, 1996)


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